About Us
A Provider of Sales Training Programs that Create Culture Change
Sales Institute China (SI China) provides all activities, programs and tools necessary to improve the performance of your sales organization. With close to three decades of sales training experience working with multinational corporations and local businesses across the globe, SI China has immediate and long-term solutions to resolve problems within your sales organization. Offering tailored and comprehensive programs that target all levels of your sales force, from top management down to the sales rep, SI China is in the business of reversing downturns by removing obsolete, ineffective habits and replacing them with the necessary skills, systems and foundations to create lasting culture change and promote the utmost in sales force effectiveness.
The Executive Team
Ziya Muhamedcani MBA
President & Head Trainer, Sales Institute China Ziya began his international business career as a sales rep and sales manager with the Carnation Company, before moving on to Johnson & Johnson, where he held senior management positions in Sales & Marketing in Japan, the US and Taiwan. Ziya established the Madison Company in 1992, providing sales and marketing consulting and training services to companies in Japan, the US and Asia, before launching Sales Institute China in 2011 with a focus tailored specifically to the Chinese market. Over the past 20+ years, Ziya has delivered over 500 classroom-based training sessions, conducted 1,500+ field-training sessions, and coached/ trained in excess of 5,000 sales and marketing professionals. Ziya is fluent in English and Japanese..